Furthermore, Diablo III uses custom in-house physics, graphics and features such as a destructible environment, all adding up to an engaging gaming experience. The gameplay is what you would expect from a Diablo game, with a gameplay very similar to the other Diablo installments in the past. The game involves players into investigating rumors of a fallen star, because this allegedly is, the first sign that evil has reappeared and that “The End of Time” has begun. In the third part of the Diablo franchise, players must return to where the action of the first game has began, in the Town of Tristam.
Players can choose from 6 classes of characters (Barbarian, Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Witch Doctor or warriors from past Diablo games), each one with its set of special abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Right off the bat, one must choose a character in order to begin the game. Enjoy the game more with the help of high-quality graphics and six classes of characters to choose from